The beginning of February saw us closed for a week as we transitioned into our brand-new Pizza and Kitchen areas. This bought about a few teething problems with staff navigating the new areas and the new oven, but by the end of the month, everything was running smoothly. The feedback we have had has been amazing. If you have not been here for a while, I’m sure you will get a pleasant surprise.

The Lochert boys, Zach & Shae, ran the Caudo Vineyard sponsored Sangria tinny in the Riverland Dinghy Derby early February and once again powered through coming in 3rd in their class – well done to them!
Valentines’ Day came around and we celebrated on the perfect sunny Sunday with free bubbly for patrons on arrival and a delightful Caudo Vineyard cookie made by Em’s Cookie Jar – Liam Halford played his mellow tunes that created just the right ambience.

The mild summer weather we had in February made for great crowds at our Cellar Door.
We had some great new merchandise come in – the old school sippy cups are back, along with some brand-new wine tumblers, new trucker caps, zinc sticks and Sangria dresses for the ladies – check these out in our online store.
We had our regular monthly visit from the Murray Princess – this is always a spectacular sight pulling up on the banks right in front of our Cellar Door.
On the last weekend of the month, we hosted Adventure Connect, a camp for disadvantaged youth.
These kids had an awesome time and cannot wait to return in the future to do it all again.

February just seemed to fly by, no sooner had it started than it was done and dusted.
Summer is over and the beautiful Riverland Autumn weather is about to begin – the perfect time for a visit – see you soon!