We enjoyed sunshine and showers throughout October here in the Riverland and we hosted a handful of significant events at our Cellar Door. On the 27th, we were entertained by the “Australian Roadies”, a band featuring the lovely Beccy Cole. They stopped by our Cellar Door for lunch and to play amongst the backdrop of […]

September arrived with some rainy days, but also its fair share of warmth and sunshine, ideal for our developing vines. We welcomed Spring with a variety of events. Fathers Day was first cab off the rank where we had the lovely Bianca Feher entertain all the dads with her acoustic vibes. On the 14th, the […]

July was a big month at Caudo, the Big Shed Wine sale took place and saw fantastic offers on a wide range of our wines.

June bought us cooling temperatures and still, sunny days. Over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend we saw patrons stream through the grounds enjoying the extended respite by the riverside. Confidential Catering teamed up with us over these busy days to provide gourmet burgers and fries, including a BBQ smoked pulled pork burger, a chicken zing […]

May has seen cool, crisp days set in over the Riverland. Our patrons have spent their mornings at Caudo cozied up with a blanket, hot coffees in hand overlooking the glassy water, and afternoons soaking up the sunshine with glasses of Sangria. Earlier this month, the Austin Healey Owners club visited us in an array […]
Awesome April

April started with a bang with Easter on the very first weekend. Mother nature certainly turned it on for us with spectacularly warm weather which saw the Cellar Door booked to capacity on both Saturday and Sunday. Acoustic duo, Nick & Tash entertained the crowd on Saturday. Also on Saturday, we added a Spit Roast […]
Ski for Life Run

The start of March saw over 200 skiers stop on our turf on the annual Ski for Life Run, which was on the Adelaide Cup Long Weekend this year. This sees the participants water ski over 450kms from Murray Bridge to Renmark in just three days, to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. […]

The beginning of February saw us closed for a week as we transitioned into our brand-new Pizza and Kitchen areas. This bought about a few teething problems with staff navigating the new areas and the new oven, but by the end of the month, everything was running smoothly. The feedback we have had has been […]

2021 is here! We bought in the new year with live entertainment from one of our favourites, Liam Halford. His vocal range impresses us every time he performs. He truly has a talent that everyone needs to experience. Our patrons waved goodbye to a hectic and unprecedented 2020 and embraced the chilled vibes that the […]
Summer Has Arrived!

The end of 2020 meant the start of summer and the start of summer meant the start of school holidays. This has to be one of the best times of the year at Caudo Vineyard with so many friends and families (including their puppies) eager to come and chill out at our beautiful riverside venue. […]